Nice is a charming resort city in the south of France.
The name of the city is written exactly like the word “nice”, although it is pronounced as “niis”. Naturally, this wordplay is used by the entire small business.

Nice is a highly popular resort. The city is located on the southern coast of France, which is also known as the “French Riviera”.
Nice became a resort city back in the time of Napoleon. In the mid-19th century, Russian aristocrats started coming here and actively buying land. A Russian Orthodox church was built in Nice, and a Russian cemetery was established.
But then communism came to Russia, and the flow of Russian tourists was interrupted for 70 years, only resuming after the collapse of the Soviet Union.
Nowadays, not only aristocrats but also patriots come to Nice. For example, a person who looked exactly like Dmitry Puchkov-Goblin (a disgusting Russian war propagandist) was met at the airport. I would have recognized him for sure if he had said at least one word. But that scoundrel stood in line with his wife for 40 minutes without saying anything.

To be honest, there is nothing particularly special about Nice. The beach is just average, with small pebbles.

The coastline is narrow. The beach directly adjoins the city. Even palm trees don’t grow right on the beach, unlike in Sri Lanka or Bali. Only weak little palms are neatly planted in a row along the road adjacent to the beach.

An empty promenade stretches along the entire beach, where crowds of tourists wander under the scorching sun. Frankly speaking, the urban planning is on the level of Sochi.

Hotels in Nice are terribly expensive. A room right by the sea costs at least 200 euros per night. A bit further away, you can find some run-down hotel for around 100 euros or so.

Nice itself is quite pleasant but unbearably boring. What does it even have? Architecture.

One attraction is a church from some century or another.

There is a cinema.

In general, you can only aimlessly walk around and sit in cafes in the city. There is nothing else to do here.
All kinds of riffraff gather in Nice, those who have managed to scrape together some money for a week of vacation in Europe.
Tourists of different means come to Nice. Those with less money stay in modest hotels:

Those who are wealthier opt for luxurious hotels:

Local residents are not exactly wealthy either. Some live in houses like these:

Some live in houses like these:

A typical resident of Nice goes out in the morning for a walk with their dog, wearing a shabby jacket.

On the street, he immediately blends into the crowd of tourists.

Sits down to have a coffee for 6 euros at some café.

After circling the city for the thousandth time along the same route, returns home.

Visiting tourists do pretty much the same. One day is gone in Nice, thank god it’s over.

I still don’t understand why Russians want to come here so badly.
The beach in Yalta is no worse, and there are also palaces, mountains, vineyards, and museums scattered around. Not to mention the khinkali with lamb for 35 rubles each.
Oh yeah, there’s a nuance.