Zagreb is the capital city of Croatia. Spending half a day in Zagreb is excessively long.

A completely meaningless city.

From the first moments, Zagreb seems to ask: tourist, why did you come to me?

In the city, there are posters supporting refugees from the Middle East.

The authorities of Croatia seriously believe that an Iraqi refugee goes to fucking Zagreb?


In Ljubljana, graffiti is seen as a new genre of art, while in Zagreb, it is perceived as a shitstorm.

It is basically shitstorm it is. Zagreb collected all the troubles of Eastern Europe: buildings with crumbling plaster, shabby asphalt, huge wooden platforms of street cafes blocking half of the street, and overall clutter.

By the way, cafe platzdarms are placed not on the sidewalk but on the road. How is that possible?

The tram is one of the few pleasant things in Zagreb.

The old center.

The most touristy street. The roof with two coats of arms belongs to the Church of St. Mark. It is said to have been built way back in 1242. Okay.

If everything in Zagreb was built in 1242, one could forgive such devastation.

But everything here was actually built much later.

The main restaurant street of the city. All cafes open at least at 12 o’clock, and usually even later. Before that time, the street is almost completely empty.

In principle, there are a few cozy-looking establishments.

Perhaps in sunny weather, it’s even nice here.

But fortunately, there was no sunny weather.

What I like the most in places like Zagreb is the strategy of beautiful facades. From the street side, everything is more or less clean, but once you turn from the main street into an alley... and there... the-e-e-ere!

Letter “N”. Navigation.

Letter “R”. Restoration.

Zagrebachka Bank.

A few good streets in the end.

Yes, Zagreb is just what you need. If things are so bad in the city center, then what’s happening in the residential areas? Oh dear...

Why did you ask, huh?

The residential areas of Zagreb easily outshine the worst places in Russia (not really).

Here is one of the courtyards. Two giant gray buildings. There is absolutely no space for living between them. The entire area is occupied by parking. Moreover, it is also filled with garages, through which an “underground passage” is carved between the two parts of the courtyard.
I see such a beastly attitude towards public space for the first time, I have never encountered anything like this before.

Children’s playground.

Monstrous buildings.


Hello, Bratislava!

Pain and emptiness in Zagreb.