Izborsk is a village located 30 kilometers from Pskov, where the Izborsk Fortress stands. The village is well-maintained.

The local authorities decided to turn Izborsk into something like a tourist town, like Calico in the USA. They restored the streets and opened museums of everyday life in old houses. Well, not bad.

At least it has become nice to come here from neighboring Estonia. There are many European tourists here, just like in neighboring Pechory. After all, it’s the beginning of Russia.

Part of the village remained in its original form.

Village church.

In general, Izborsk is the oldest Russian city mentioned in “The Tale of Bygone Years” in 862. The city was located a little away from the modern village. A lonely church built in 1682 stands in its former place.

Remains of the city wall, 11th century.

Calm and smooth.

Mostly people come to Izborsk to see the fortress. It was built in 1330 to protect the city from German raids. It is an absolutely awesome fortress.

The further west Russia goes, the more it looks like the West.

It is a real fortress. It has nothing to do with kremlins.

There is another church inside the fortress. Cool Telegram stickers were found in it.