Tula is another city of the “first circle of Moscow.” Like in Ryazan, there is absolutely nothing to do in Tula. The city center ends where it begins. Two minutes away from the Tula Kremlin are unkempt yards.
There is a Kremlin in Tula.

There is a weapons museum in the Tula Kremlin.

In the weapons museum of the Tula Kremlin, there are staircases resembling those in a cultural center from the Brezhnev era.

Near the Tula Kremlin, there is a monument to Karl Marx. Looks like Karl Marx lived in Tula from 1905 to 1925.

Near the Tula Kremlin, there is a Children’s Tula Kremlin.

Near the Tula Kremlin and the Children’s Tula Kremlin, there is a monument to Lenin, who is facing towards the church.

Near the monument to Lenin, facing the church, there is a Tula gingerbread.

Now the reader should have a fully comprehensive understanding of Tula. It is a typical Russian province located in the first circle of distance from Moscow. There is absolutely nothing to do here except for finding amusing blunders.
The entrance to the Tula Orthodox Gymnasium is securely protected against encroachments on the feelings of believers.

Two minutes away from the Tula Kremlin.

Three minutes away from the Tula Kremlin.

Courtyard in the city center.


The very center of Tula, we haven’t gone anywhere yet.

Lenin Avenue is the main street of Tula.

Historical facades in modern advertising in Tula.

Beauty. There is something to catch the eye.

Entrance to the inner courtyard.

In the courtyard.


Concert hall.

House of a Tula gunsmith.

Streets adjacent to Lenin Avenue.

Entrance of a residential building.

Courtyard in a residential area. The reader might ask: Is this residential area far from the center? Not at all, just a couple of kilometers. Tula is a very compact city.

Entrance in a multi-story building.

Shop within walking distance.

Urban improvement.

Underground crossing.

Bus stop.


Free bus to a fair.

Tula is a Hero City. Here, every courtyard is heroic, every house is heroic, and every person is heroic. One who could have but didn’t leave Tula.

Yasnaya Polyana
On the way to Yasnaya Polyana, it is impossible not to notice a huge red cloud of smoke billowing across the river. This is the Kosogorsky Metallurgical Plant. The emissions of this plant into the river exceed the norm for iron by 2 times, for phosphorus by 12 times, and for nitrites by 29 times.

Impressive beauty. The enterprise was opened back in 1897, which means Leo Tolstoy himself could witness this chaotic situation near his estate.

Parking at Yasnaya Polyana.

The estate itself is enormous.

You can confidently come and stroll for several hours.

In this house, a genius of Russian literature created, while the house itself was crafted by a genius of wooden architecture.

It turns out that Tolstoy’s grave is practically in the forest. One needs to walk about a kilometer away from the estate following the signs. It’s a completely unassuming place.

Yasnaya Polyana even has Tolstoy’s beloved bench, where he enjoyed sitting. Now it is favored by the local intelligentsia.

How else to honor a great writer? Come, unfold a newspaper, take out some tomatoes, cucumbers, potatoes. Pour some vodka. Stand up, propose a toast. What a mountain of a man you were, Leo Nikolayevich!
